Section 7
Internet Data Exchange (IDX)
700 IDX affords MLS participants the ability to authorize limited electronic display and delivery of their listings by other participants via the following authorized mediums under the participant’s control: websites, mobile apps, and audio devices. As used throughout these rules, “display” includes “delivery” of such listing. (NAR MANDATORY 18)
701 Participants’ consent for display of their listings by other participants pursuant to these rules and regulations is presumed unless a participant affirmatively notifies the MLS that the participant refuses to permit display (either on a blanket or on a listing-by-listing basis). If a participant refuses on a blanket basis to permit the display of that participant’s listings, that participant may not download, frame or display the aggregated MLS data of other participants. Even where participants have given blanket authority for other participants to display their listings on IDX sites, such consent may be withdrawn on a listing-by-listing basis where the seller has prohibited all Internet display or other electronic forms of display or distribution. (NAR MANDATORY 18.1)
702 Participation in IDX is available to all MLS participants engaged in real estate brokerage who consent to display of their listings by other participants. (NAR MANDATORY 18.2)
703 Participants must notify the MLS of their intention to display IDX information and must give the MLS direct access for purposes of monitoring/ensuring compliance with applicable rules and policies. (NAR MANDATORY 18.2.1)
704 MLS participants may not use IDX-provided listings for any purpose other than display as provided for in these rules. This does not require participants to prevent indexing of IDX listings by recognized search engines. (NAR MANDATORY 18.2.2)
705 Listings, including property addresses, can be included in IDX displays except where a seller has directed their listing brokers to withhold their listing or the listing’s property address from all display on the Internet (including, but not limited to, publicly-accessible websites or VOWs) or other electronic forms of display or distribution. (NAR MANDATORY 18.2.3)
706 Participants may select the listings they choose to display through IDX based only on objective criteria including, but not limited to, factors such as geography or location (“uptown,” “downtown,” etc.), list price, type of property (e.g., condominiums, cooperatives, single-family detached, multi-family), cooperative compensation offered by listing brokers, type of listing (e.g., exclusive right-to-sell, or exclusive agency), or the level of service being provided by the listing firm. Selection of listings displayed through IDX must be independently made by each participant. (NAR MANDATORY 18.2.4)
707 Participants must refresh all MLS downloads and displays automatically fed by those downloads not less frequently than every 12 hours. (3/2016) (NAR MANDATORY 18.2.5)
708 Except as provided in the IDX policy and these rules, an IDX site or a participant or user operating an IDX site or displaying IDX information as otherwise permitted may not distribute, provide, or make any portion of the MLS database available to any person or entity. (NAR MANDATORY 18.2.6)
709 Any IDX display controlled by a participant must clearly identify the name of the brokerage firm under which they operate in a readily visible color and typeface. For purposes of the IDX policy and these rules, “control” means the ability to add, delete, modify and update information as required by the IDX policy and MLS rules. (NAR MANDATORY 18.2.7)
710 Either or both of the following features shall be disabled or discontinued for the seller’s listings at the request of the seller, where any IDX display controlled by a participant or subscriber:
The listing broker or agent shall communicate to the MLS that the seller has elected to have one or both of these features disabled or discontinued on all displays controlled by participants. Except for the foregoing and subject to Rule 711 herein (NAR MANDATED Section 18.2.9), a participant’s IDX display may communicate the participant’s professional judgment concerning any listing. Nothing shall prevent an IDX display from notifying its customers that a particular feature has been disabled at the request of the seller. (NAR MANDATORY 18.2.8)
711 Participants shall maintain a means (e.g., e-mail address, telephone number) to receive comments about the accuracy of any data or information that is added by or on behalf of the participant beyond that supplied by the MLS and that relates to a specific property. Participants shall correct or remove any false data or information relating to a specific property upon receipt of a communication from the listing broker or listing agent for the property explaining why the data or information is false. However, participants shall not be obligated to remove or correct any data or information that simply reflects good faith opinion, advice, or professional judgment. (NAR MANDATORY 18.2.9)
712 Listings displayed pursuant to IDX shall contain only those fields of data designated by the MLS. Display of all other fields (as determined by the MLS) is prohibited. Confidential fields intended only for other MLS participants and users (e.g., cooperative compensation offers, showing instructions, property security information, etc.) may not be displayed on IDX sites.
Prohibited Fields: All fields of the IDX Database may be published except:
A. List Status Change (but ACTIVE, PENDING and CLOSED may be published)
B. Cooperating Broker compensation whether to a subagent or buyer’s agent
C. Negotiate through (Negotiate through Listing Agent or Cooperating Broker)
D. Listing date
E. Expiration date
F. Listing type (i.e., Exclusive Right to Sell or Exclusive Agency)
G. Additional area
H. Modifications (list modifications to the Listing Agreement)
I. Tax Identification Number
J. Owner’s Name
K. Internet Y/N
713 Participants shall not modify or manipulate information relating to other participants listings. MLS Participants may augment their IDX display of MLS data with applicable property information from other sources to appear on the same webpage or display, clearly separated by the data supplied by the MLS. The source(s) of the information must be clearly identified in the immediate proximity to such data. This requirement does not restrict the format of MLS data display or display of fewer than all of the available listings or fewer authorized fields. A Participant who so modifies, augments or references the Listing Participant’s data shall be solely responsible for the accuracy of any additions or modified data and shall indemnify and hold harmless the MLS, the Listing Participant, and the property owner from any liability arising from such modifications or additions. (NAR MANDATORY 18.2.11)
714 All listings displayed pursuant to IDX shall identify the listing firm, and the email or phone number provided by the listing participant in a reasonably prominent location and in a readily visible color and typeface not smaller than the median used in the display of listing data. Displays of minimal information (e.g. “thumbnails”, text message, “tweets”, etc., of two hundred (200) characters or less are exempt from this requirement but only when linked directly to a display that includes all required disclosures. For audio delivery of listing content, all required disclosure must be subsequently delivered electronically to the registered consumer performing the property search or linked to through the devices application. (NAR MANDATE 18.12)
715 Non-principal brokers and sales licensees affiliated with IDX participants may display information available through IDX on their own Web sites subject to their participant’s consent and control and the requirements of state law and/or regulation.
716 All listings displayed pursuant to IDX shall show the MLS as the source of the information. Displays of minimal information (e.g., “thumbnails”, text messages, “tweets”, etc., of two hundred (200) characters or less are exempt from this requirement but only when linked directly to a display that includes all required disclosures.
717 Participants (and their affiliated licensees, if applicable) shall indicate on their websites that IDX information is provided exclusively for consumers personal non-commercial use, that it may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing, and that the data is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed accurate by the MLS. The MLS may, at its discretion, require use of other disclaimers as necessary to protect participants and/or the MLS from liability. Displays of minimal information (e.g., “thumbnails”, text messages, “tweets”, etc., of two hundred (200) characters or less are exempt from this requirement but only when linked directly to a display that includes all required disclosures.
718 The right to display other participants’ listings pursuant to IDX shall be limited to a participant’s office(s) holding participatory rights in this MLS.
719 Display of seller’s(s’) and/or occupant’s (s’) name (s), phone number(s), and email address(es) is prohibited.
720 Deceptive or misleading advertising (including co-branding) on pages displaying IDX-provided listings is prohibited. For purposes of these rules, co-branding will be presumed not to be deceptive or misleading if the participant’s logo and contact information is larger than that of any third party.
721 An MLS Participant (or where permitted locally, an MLS Subscriber) may co-mingle the listings of other brokers received in an IDX feed with listings available from other MLS IDX feeds, provided all such displays are consistent with the IDX rules, and the MLS Participant (or MLS Subscriber) holds participatory rights in those MLSs. As used in this policy, “co-mingling” means that consumers are able to execute a single property search of multiple IDX data feeds resulting in the display of IDX information from each of the MLSs on a single search results page; and that Participants may display listings from each IDX feed on a single webpage or display. (NAR MANDATORY 18.2.10)
Section 8
Virtual Office Websites (VOW)
800 Definitions
801 The right of a Participant’s VOW to display MLS Listing Information is limited to that supplied by the MLS(s) in which the Participant has participatory rights. However, a Participant with offices participating in different MLSs may operate a master website with links to the VOWs of the other offices. Subject to the provisions of the VOW Policy and these Rules, a Participant’s VOW, including any VOW operated on behalf of a Participant by an AVP, may provide other features, information, or functions, e.g. Internet Data Exchange (“IDX”). (NAR MANDATORY 919.2)
802 Except as otherwise provided in the VOW Policy or in these Rules, a Participant need not obtain separate permission from other MLS Participants whose listings will be displayed on the Participant’s VOW. (NAR MANDATORY 919.2)
803 Registration
a. Before permitting any consumer to search for or retrieve any MLS Listing Information on his or her VOW, the Participant must take each of the following steps:
MLS, and other MLS Participants or their duly authorized representatives to access the VOW for the purposes of verifying compliance with MLS rules and monitoring display of Participants’ listings by the VOW. The Agreement may also include such other provisions as may be agreed to between the Participant and the Registrant. (NAR MANDATORY 919.3)
804 A Participant’s VOW must prominently display an e-mail address, telephone number, or specific identification of another mode of communication (e.g., live chat) by which a consumer can contact the Participant to ask questions, or get more information, about any property displayed on the VOW. The Participant, or a non-principal broker or sales licensee licensed with the Participant, must be willing and able to respond knowledgeably to inquiries from Registrants about properties within the market area served by that Participant and displayed on the VOW. (NAR MANDATORY 919.4)
805 A Participant’s VOW must employ reasonable efforts to monitor for, and prevent, misappropriation, “scraping”, and other unauthorized use of MLS Listing Information. A Participant’s VOW shall utilize appropriate security protection such as firewalls as long as this requirement does not impose security obligations greater than those employed concurrently by the MLS. (NAR MANDATORY 919.5)
806 Seller Opt-Out Provisions
Seller Opt-Out Form
1. Please check either Option a or Option b:
a. [ ] I have advised my broker or sales agent that I do not want the listed property to be displayed on the Internet.
b. [ ] I have advised my broker or sales agent that I do not want the address of the listed property to be displayed on the Internet.
2. I understand and acknowledge that, if I have selected option a, consumers who conduct searches for listings on the Internet will not see information about the listed property in response to their search.
initials of seller
c. The Participant shall retain such forms for at least one year from the date they are signed, or one year from the date the listing goes off the market, whichever is greater. (NAR MANDATORY 919.6)
807 Permitting Third-Parties to Comment, Review or Display Automated Market Values
808 A Participant’s VOW shall maintain a means (e.g., e-mail address, telephone number) to receive comments from the listing broker about the accuracy of any information that is added by or on behalf of the Participant beyond that supplied by the MLS and that relates to a specific property displayed on the VOW. The Participant shall correct or remove any false information relating to a specific property within 48 hours following receipt of a communication from the listing broker explaining why the data or information is false. The Participant shall not, however, be obligated to correct or remove any data or information that simply reflects good faith opinion, advice, or professional judgment. (NAR MANDATORY 919.8)
809 A Participant shall cause the MLS Listing Information available on its VOW to be refreshed at least once every three (3) days. (NAR MANDATORY 919.9)
810 Except as provided in these rules, the National Association of Realtors® VOW Policy, or any other applicable MLS rules or policies, no Participant shall distribute, provide, or make accessible any portion of the MLS Listing Information to any person or entity. (NAR MANDATORY 919.10)
811 A Participant’s VOW must display the Participant’s privacy policy informing Registrants of all of the ways in which information that they provide may be used. (NAR MANDATORY 919.11)
812 A Participant’s VOW may exclude listings from display based only on objective criteria, including, but not limited to, factors such as geography, list price, type of property, cooperative compensation offered by listing broker, and whether the listing broker is a REALTOR®. (NAR MANDATORY 919.12)
813 A Participant who intends to operate a VOW to display MLS Listing Information must notify the MLS of its intention to establish a VOW and must make the VOW readily accessible to the MLS and to all MLS Participants for purposes of verifying compliance with these Rules, the VOW Policy, and any other applicable MLS rules or policies. (NAR MANDATORY 919.13)
814 A Participant may operate more than one VOW himself or herself or through an AVP. A Participant who operates his or her own VOW may contract with an AVP to have the AVP operate other VOWs on his or her behalf. However, any VOW operated on behalf of a Participant by an AVP is subject to the supervision and accountability of the Participant. (NAR MANDATORY 919.14)
815 A Participant shall cause to be placed on his or her VOW a notice indicating that the MLS Listing Information displayed on a VOW is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed accurate by the MLS. A Participant’s VOW may include other appropriate disclaimers necessary to protect the Participant and/or the MLS from liability.
816 A Participant may display advertising and the identification of other entities (“cobranding”) on any VOW the Participant operates or that is operated on his or her behalf. However, a Participant may not display on any such VOW deceptive or misleading advertising or co-branding. For purposes of this Section, co-branding will be presumed not to be deceptive or misleading if the Participant’s logo and contact information (or that of at least one Participant, in the case of a VOW established and operated on behalf of more than one Participant) is displayed in immediate conjunction with that of every other party, and the logo and contact information of all Participants displayed on the VOW is as large as the logo of the AVP and larger than that of any third party.
817 A Participant shall cause any listing displayed on his or her VOW that is obtained from other sources, including from another MLS or from a broker not participating in the MLS, to identify the source of the listing.
818 Participants and the AVPs operating VOWs on their behalf must execute the license agreement required by the MLS. 819 Where a seller affirmatively directs a Listing Participant to withhold either the seller’s listing or the address of the seller’s listing from display on the Internet, a copy of the seller’s affirmative direction shall be provided to the MLS within 48 hours.